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Tag: Women in Racing

Posts related to Women in Racing

Danica Patrick is now being told to “slow down,” but it’s definitely not coming from her sponsors. It turns out that Danica was recently pulled over for speeding in her hometown of Scottsdale, Arizona.  She was charged with going 54 mph in a 35 mph zone.  She paid the fine of $196 and then went on her merry way. In light of some of the things other celebrities and athletes are getting in trouble for these days, I would say that Danica’s offense is a minor one.  I’m sure that the negative publicity will serve more of a reminder for her to slow down on the suburban streets of America than the $196 ticket ever could. My three year old always wants me to go fast when I’m taking him to daycare in the morning, but I always respond by saying, “No, we have to drive slow and watch out for puppies.”   Sometimes it might be tempting to [...]
Most people are aware of the male racecar drivers, but what many don’t know is there are many women drivers making their way up the ranks as well. Most have heard of Danica Patrick, but she is definitely not the only female competing on the racing circuit. There are a couple developmental racing circuits in the United States that serve as stepping stones for those trying to race with the ‘big boys’. Champ Car Atlantic Championships (A.K.A. Atlantic) Cooper Tires sponsor the Atlantic racing series, which holds events across North America during their season. This is the top developmental open-wheel racing series. Most competitors make the jump up to the highest level from this circuit.   Simona de Silvestro Date of Birth: September 1st, 1988 Hometown: Thun, Switzerland Simona won her season-opener in 2008 at Long Beach. She races Formula BMWs. She was the first woman in history to earn spots on [...]
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