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Tag: vehicle maintenance

Posts related to vehicle maintenance

No one will argue that vehicle maintenance is not important, but when is the best time to have your vehicle in for service?  Spring has been here for a bit, and the weather in the Midwest has been… strange, to say the least. While the March showers were kind of a downer, May’s flowers will surly brighten our days! It’s the perfect time for spring cleaning, and while I’m sure that house/apartment needs a touch up here and there, lets not neglect our pals on wheels. Follow these helpful springtime vehicle maintenance tips to keep your vehicle in great condition! 1. CLEAN – Winter might be over with, but if you haven’t been keeping up to date on your car washes you should do so [...]
If someone offered you a $20 bill or free driving tips that would help to keep you out of the ditch during the winter, which one would you take?  If you answered “both”, then you’re pretty smart.  Ah November – the month of wonder… Imagine my surprise this morning as I was clearing my groggy eyes, stumbling into my kitchen, glancing out the window, to see something that made me second guess if I was actually awake or still dreaming… SNOW. With the change of scenery it’s easy for one to wonder many things… will my car start in the cold? How is my car going to handle with snow on the ground? Am I ready to drive in this stuff for the next couple of months? Easy there… before you call doctor Phil for some psychological help with winter whose, let us help you with some basic driving tips you can perform to make [...]
Have you check the tire pressure in your car or truck’s tires lately?  If you answered “no”, then you man want to consider doing so.  It can be extremely unsafe to drive around in over-inflated or underinflated tires. Sometimes, good things have to come to an end. Not so long from now winter will fall on us and we will be left cold, leaving nothing but memories of nice walks and swims. Seasons change, some people like the change and others don’t.   Regardless of what season you like, you should always keep in mind one thing – check your tires. With a change in temperature comes a change in tire pressure. Air will compress as the temperature gets colder and will expand once it gets [...]
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