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Tag: Undercoating and Rust-Proofing

Posts related to Undercoating and Rust-Proofing

This optional kind of protection is totally about saving money in the long run by making your vehicle last longer.  Midwesterners know all too well about something that normally lasts for about 4-5 months out of the year … it’s a little thing we like to call “snow”.  And snow is often accompanied by extreme conditions and road salt.  Of course some people enjoy the winter months, but we assure you that your vehicle does not.  And if you’re not careful and undercoat your vehicle properly, you could sent it to a premature trip to Rustville, USA and this is a one-way trip from which there is no way back.  Undercoating and rust-proofing are great strategies that will help improve the longevity of your vehicle's body and underbody.Undercoating provides a protective, petroleum-based coating that is sprayed on to the undercarriage of your car or truck forming a barrier between the bottom of your vehicle and the environmental elements like salt and water that can be harmful to your vehicle over time.  This, in tur [...]
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