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Tag: timmermans supper club

Posts related to timmermans supper club

In the short amount of time I spent with David and Jan Rafoth customers from Dubuque, I could tell that they have led interesting lives. And what constitutes an “interesting life” you may ask? For starters, how about stepping on a bomb and living to tell the story? Not enough for you? … Well add-on finding out where you are going to live based on a nice random car ride. Read on, hopefully you are as entertained by their stories as I was listening to them. How did you hear about Runde’s? Well we were looking to trade our car and we had previous experience with Runde’s and Al Kloft and we were treated right the last time we were here.  [...]
Velma Martens, who has lived in Dubuque all of her life (except for three years), came into Runde’s to pick up her new Chevy Malibu sedan. While here, she was more than happy to share some good real-life stories with me. Finding out how much Velma cares for society through volunteering makes you really wonder if you could be doing something more… What brought you to Runde Auto Group? My son-in-law is in business and buys a lot of trucks through Runde Auto Group. He also knew Al Kloft very well and prefers to deal with him as well as Chris Anderson, the manager here. So when I needed a new vehicle I knew where to go. What did you think? Was all the hype your son-in-law [...]
Timmerman’s Supper Club in East Dubuque just off of Hwy 20 has been a mainstay of the Tri-State community for many, many years.  When Supper Clubs were the rage or the cat’s pajamas back in the 1970’s, Timmerman’s was normally packed with locals who were looking for good times and great food.  There used to be nightly live music from jazz to big band and couples would sip cocktails and enjoy their meals before heading out to the dance floor to trip the light fantastic.  Well supper clubs may have changed a little, but they still continue to thrive in the Dubuque & East Dubuque area and Timmerman’s is arguably the most popular one.  It is also on the Runde short list of favorite for places to eat. I [...]
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