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Tag: Tim Meyer

Posts related to Tim Meyer

Salesperson Tim Meyer of Dubuque will soon be celebrating a retirement and a birthday all at the same time.  He will retire from Runde Chevrolet in East Dubuque on Nov. 4 – two days before his 62nd birthday. “I’ll have 29 years and 9 months in the car business and most of that has included selling new Chevy vehicles in Dubuque and the surrounding areas,” Tim said. “I come from an automobile parts family over in Dubuque, so I’ve been fed and clothed by the automobile industry almost all my life.” Tim is excited to travel to visit family members, like his brother in Ohio, sister in northern Illinois and his brother in the Chicago area. He also is excited to spend more time with his family members here, including his 2 children, Megan, 34, and Jesse, 32, as well as his grandchildren and friends in Arizona. Tim started in the car business [...]
How do you think you’d feel after being in a car that rolled over 5 times going 70MPH? If you’re Betty Mausser and her Chevy Equinox, you’d be feeling just fine. Betty is a wonderful customer of Runde’s and her salesman, Tim Meyer. She recently had (what should have been) a devastating accident. Read on to learn more about Betty and how she made out so well in such a terrible crash. Hello Betty, what brought you into Runde’s today? I bought a new Chevy Equinox last December and last Friday I was in a car accident. Someone pulled out in front of me and I hit her car then my car rolled about 5 times down the highway. I was going highway cruising speed [about 70MPH] by the time she pulled out in front of me and I had about 2 car lengths to react and I just swerved to miss [...]
Tim Meyer of Dubuque is an old pro when it come to selling new Chevrolet vehicles.   He recently started working at Runde Chevrolet and he’s already had the pleasure of helping several a quite a few new vehicles here. Tim has a storied sales past and a good appreciation for art and music. If you were fortunate enough to sit down with Tim for two minutes and you’d quickly feel like he’s a lifelong friend.  How long have you been in the car business? 26 years. Are you familiar with automotive industry? Absolutely, I come from pretty humble beginnings. I’m from an automobile parts family from here in Dubuque Iowa. My father ran an auto parts company called Sieg Dubuque Company. So I’ve [...]
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