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Tag: ryan halverson

Posts related to ryan halverson

Our newest recruit, Ryan Halverson, started for us recently. Back from the army to complete his college education, Ryan will be on board with us as one of the Runde’s crew. What do you do here at Runde’s? I take pictures of cars, that’s about it as far as I know. Are you originally from the area? I’m from Cassville, WI about 45 minutes away. I’ve lived there all of my life. What are your past-times and hobbies? Basketball, hunting, fishing and going on the river. Do you have any pets? Nope, no pets. Do you have a favorite hangout spot on the river? The river. I like to tube, fish, etc. If you were a vehicle which vehicle would you be and why? I guess I’d be a truck because that’s the vehicle I drive. What’s your favorite restaurant? I’d have to say Applebee’s. What’s your most memorable experience [...]
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