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Tag: National Name Your Car Day

Posts related to National Name Your Car Day

Happy National Name Your Car Day!

Cars.com lists most popular vehicle names from survey
It’s that time of year again … National Name Your Car Day. Do you have a name for your car?  If so, then what do you call your vehicle? If you are like most people, you refer to it as “Baby,” or some other two-syllable name beginning with a B. In honor of “National Name Your Car Day,” Cars.com surveyed drivers, finding 53 percent of American drivers who name their cars use a name starting with the letter B. Of those drivers who name their vehicle, 70 percent are men. * According to the survey, these are the top 10 most popular car names: 1. Baby 2. Betsy 3. Ruby 4. Betty 5. Beast 6. Max 7. Bertha 8. Pearl 9. Frank 10. Christine
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