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Tag: Nate Elder

Posts related to Nate Elder

Nate Elder:  Manager of the Runde Reconditioning Department   Some people collect photographs to remember specific moments in their lives. Nate Elder, reconditioning manager at Runde PreDriven, collects shoes. He has about 25 boxes of unopened shoes in his closet at home right now – some have been there for years. “Each one has a story and a memory attached to it,” Nate said. “I have a pair that I bought in 2003, that’s one of my older pairs.” He recently opened a pair of DC Pure XEs because he had worn out the DC Mikey Moes he had been wearing. Working in the PreDriven washrack area means his shoes get dirty and wet – so he is very aware of that when choosing shoes. “I went through the collection [...]
Gary and his wife in front of a black Hummer limosine
Runde PreDriven in Hazel Green hosted a goodbye gathering for Reconditioning Manager Gary Reiter today. Today was Gary’s last day of work after working at Runde PreDriven for 10 years! His daughter arranged for him to be dropped off in a limo this morning so he could arrive for his last day in style. “When it showed up, I thought, ‘They are going to think I am crazy!'” Gary said.  But if there’s anyone who truly deserved to be treated like this, it’s Gary.  For as long as we’ve known him, he’s been the epitome of “hard [...]
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