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Tag: Monahan

Posts related to Monahan

Were you asking yourself the same thing as me the other night … “What was that Silverado with a Ladder 5 sign on TV?” As Americans, September 11th is a date that will forever be ingrained into our minds. If asked where they were and what they were doing at the time of the Twin Tower attacks, most of us would be able to describe everything in great detail. If you were watching the Olympics last Monday, you would’ve seen a Chevy commercial featuring a pretty beat up Chevy Silverado with a Ladder 5 sign on the back. The pickup belongs to Craig Monahan, a member of the FDNY. He was off-duty at the time of the attacks, and got called in. He had 2 other firefighters with him as they drove in from Staten Island. They parked the truck near the south tower, and watched both towers collapse. He then crawled into [...]
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