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Tag: Jeff Mohr

Posts related to Jeff Mohr

Many people call us for service work, but don’t really get to know the people actually doing the dirty work. Jeff Mohr is one of the guys in our Hazel Green service department. I took a few minutes of his time…well, actually I wasted it, but he got over it quickly! Runde Auto Chat: Do you have any hobbies or interests? Jeff Mohr: I like to play electric guitar. RAC: Any siblings or significant others? JM: I have two sisters.   RAC: Are you married yet? JM:  I do have a girlfriend.  Her name is Linsey. RAC: Did you grow up around here? JM: Yes, in Dubuque over by Hempstead High School. RAC: What kind of car do you drive?                                          JM: 1991 Jeep Wrangler RAC: What would you do with a million dollars? JM: Take the PreDriven staff on a cruise…(Remember this guys…you may want to redeem at a later date!) RAC: If you were stuck [...]
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