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Tag: Eric T Davis

Posts related to Eric T Davis

Hey Eric T. Davis, welcome to the sales team at Runde Chevrolet.  What do you like most about your job so far? Talking to people and hopefully selling them cars. Are you originally from here? Yes, I’m from Dubuque. What’s the best thing to watch on TV? Oh man that’s tough. Uhm, I like to veg out to Sports Center. What’s your favorite sport? I don’t really have a favorite sport. I like all of them. Literally, all of them. Cricket, tennis, the whole shabang. Football, hockey, basketball. Do you know how to play all those sports?  Oh, believe me … I know.     Have you seen any new movies lately?  The last new movie I think I saw was The Blind Side.  Did you like it?   Yes. It was very good. If you could have any super power what would it be? Hmm, the ability to fly. [...]
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