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Tag: driving statistics

Posts related to driving statistics

Driving distractions are something that most people take for granted until it’s too late.  We are in an age of ever-expanding technology with more distractions. We seemingly have more things we can do digitally than we can do in real life! Phone calls, texting, watching videos, updating Facebook… to name a few. While these things are great at home, they should be off-limits when you are driving. In our wealth of things to do digitally, more people take this luxury to the road. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 5,474 people were killed in crashes involving driver distraction in 2009, and an estimated 448,000 were injured. Here are some of the worst distractions you can participate in while driving. It’s like the seven deadly sins – The five deadly driving habits.   #1. Texting You’ve seen them, they get within inches of bumpers at stop lights, they sit there not knowing the light [...]
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