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Tag: donation

Posts related to donation

The season of giving… what better way to give than to make sure kids stay warm and full this Holiday than a giving tree? To help out those in need we are are collecting food and clothing at the Runde Chevy store that will be donated to three different charity’s. If you would like to make a donation, stop by our Runde Chevrolet Showroom in East Dubuque, IL. We are filling the Giving Tree in our showroom with Children’s hats, mittens, gloves, ear muffs or scarves, everything to stay warm this winter! We’re also collecting donations of non-perishable food items for Holiday food baskets. All donations will be delivered by December 18th with the tree donations going to St. Mark Community Center and the City of [...]
Jordan Degree, of the Dubuque Art Center, was in this week at Runde Chevrolet to pick up a vehicle for the Art Center. Last year I had the opportunity to get to know Jordan and learn about what the Art Center offered the community.  This year we got an update from Jordan about what’s happening with the Art Center and what they have planned for the vehicle they purchased. Hey Jordan, last year you were here to borrow the Community Support Truck for the Art Center, right? How did it work out for you? Yes, we were moving to our new location at 137 Main Street in Dubuque – we are on the first floor. That was actually the second time we used the community vehicle, though. The first time [...]
It’s that time of year again … time to celebrate the season and spread the holiday spirit.  Every once in a while I find myself wanting to give more to those who need it. Often there are times when I don’t know where to begin in terms of which charity organization to give my donations to. This year, however, we got the chance to interview Charlie Becker, Director of Camp Courageous in Monticello, IA. After the interview I found that I really appreciate what the camp does and wanted to help. The camp runs on donations, with no government funding, no formal sponsorship and no one paid to raise money for the camp. They run through the generosity of donations given by people and companies. Please view the video below [...]
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