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Tag: Customer

Posts related to Customer

One of Runde’s newest customers is Ricardo Matthews, who currently plays noseguard on the defensive line of the Indianapolis Colts.  Ricardo purchased a new Jeep Grand Cherokee from Runde’s last week and was thoroughly pleased with everything.  As you can imagine, with the NFL season in full swing, Ricardo didn’t have time to come all the way to Runde Auto Group in Manchester, IA to pick up his new SUV … so Runde’s delivered it right to his doorstep in Indianapolis. You may recall that we’ve sold a couple of vehicles to Mardy Gilyard of the St. Louis Rams.  Well it turns out that Ricardo and Mardy (both rookies in the NFL this year) were teammates last year at the University of Cincinnati.  The two teammates still keep in touch and Mardy let Ricardo know where he could find a great deal on a new vehicle and door-to-door service on top of that. Ricardo Matthews attended high school in [...]
For those of you who think that social media is just a fad that will disappear in the years to come, well … uhhh … you might have another thing coming.  In the car business you often get a mixture of old school thought vs. new school.   Yesterday, this really seemed really apparent when we asked one of our senior salesmen to help provide us with a customer of his that we could interview for the blog.  His response was: “No.  Actually, I can’t wait ’til that thing (the blog) goes away.”  In the past couple years, social media has become what it is and at Runde’s we have tried to embrace it for the positive.  We run a good business and word of mouth has always been one of the cheapest and best forms of advertising.  So we figure, we’ll interview customers and ask them what they thought of their experience at Runde’s.  It’s [...]
Dale Bird was in our dealership waiting for his vehicle to get finished in service. I stole a few minutes of his time to discuss his experience with Runde’s. Runde Auto Chat: What kind of vehicle are you having serviced? Is it a routine appointment? Dale Bird: It’s a Chevy Impala. It just needed an oil change. RAC: Did you buy the vehicle at Runde Chevrolet? DB: Yes, I bought it new here. RAC: Have you bought any other vehicles from us? DB: Yes, probably about 4 or 5. RAC: What do you appreciate most about Runde’s and how they do business? DB: It’s convenient. I live about 2 miles from here in Dubuque. RAC: Do you have any children or grandchildren? DB: We have 3 boys, and 2 grandchildren: 1 boy and 1 girl. They live in Indianapolis, Indiana. RAC: What kinds of activities are they involved in? DB: Lots of sports, but [...]
I talked to Jessica Paulson who is a loyal Runde customer from Belmont, Wisconsin for a few minutes this afternoon while her vehicle was being serviced. She had the day off today, and was happy about the well-deserved break. Runde Auto Chat: What kind of vehicle are you having serviced? Is it a routine appointment? Jessica Paulson: I have a Chevy Tahoe; It just needs an oil change and tire rotation. RAC: Did you buy the Tahoe from us? JP: Yes, we did. RAC: Have you bought other vehicles from us? JP: We recently bought a Chevy Silverado Crew Cab. RAC: What is your favorite thing about Runde’s and how they do business? JP: They take excellent care of their vehicles, [...]
Kelly Francois and her 7-month old son Cole visited Runde Chevrolet in East Dubuque today.  Kelly is very familiar to most of us here at Runde’s because she used to work here for nearly 2 years.  She now works at Dubuque Data Services as an administrative assistant and she’s doing very well for herself.  Kelly enjoys stopping by the dealership every once in awhile, but this is one visit that she would have forgone if she’d had her druthers.  You see Kelly’s boyfriend, Mike, was backing up her car and backed over a metal fire pit.   So Kelly came in and had Mike Runde write up a bodyshop estimate for the repairs.  We sat down and chatted with Kelly and Cole while they waited for the write-up. Runde Auto Chat:  What happened to your car? Kelly Francois:  A fire pit jumped up and bit the back bumper of my car. RAC:  What kind of car do you drive? KF:  A [...]
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