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Tag: chicago

Posts related to chicago

What is the Runde mobile website you ask?  Good question and hopefully this article sheds some light on it for you.  Doesn’t it seem that time seems to speed up as you get older?   Time seemed to stand still when I was 10 years old — I really wish it was that way for me  now.  Doesn’t it seem like you grow busier with the coming of each successive year? I attended a social media seminar in Chicago last month and one of the spokespeople there was from Cars.com.  The Cars.com website has been around since 1998 and is generally considered one of the two biggest online car shopping sites. During a presentation, the Cars.com rep asked how many dealers had a mobile website [...]
There’s a new taxi in town … and it looks a lot like a Ford Transit Connect.  Taxi cabs are a huge part of big city life. Those of us from the Tri-States have probably been, at some point or another, to downtown Chicago (or another big city – if not you should really get out more…). Walking down the sidewalk and glancing at the traffic on big city streets, you probably think “glad I’m not driving in that mess of cars.” Chances are that you have experienced crazy taxi drivers — I know I have.  Several taxi drivers that I’ve witnessed don’t much care for the laws of the road as they almost hit pedestrians.  Since when does a red light mean go anyway?  Just as 30 is the new 20, red must be the new yellow in Metropolis. If you’re thinking about going back to Chicago in the near future, you’d better be [...]
Recently we got to interview Chuck Webster who came in to purchase a Malibu. Chuck was excited to give his wife the Malibu as special little gift. Hello Chuck, thank you for doing the interview with us. We hope your experience with Runde’s was great. Oh yes it was. How was he? Fantastic. We actually used to be neighbors in Chicago for years and didn’t even know it!  We lived about two blocks away from each other in Lincoln Park. Where is the first place you’ll take your car? I’m going to drive it to Washington D.C. to give it to my wife. It is a two-day drive, but it’s worth it. Is she excited to get the car? Oh, yeah, funny story, actually. She [...]
Tony and Sharon Lorenz from Galena, IL came into our Suzuki store today to do a few things.   They enjoyed the atmosphere and the way they were treated so much that they just had to share it with the world! (I did, in no way, shape, or form, pay Mr. or Ms. Lorenz to say any of what we’ll mentioned below… seriously…) Read on to see how the experience here at Runde’s was for these self-proclaimed “wicked people” from the East. What are you folks in for today? We came in to the Suzuki store to get the oil changed on our Suzuki SX4 and ended up buying a new Suzuki Grand Vitara. What will you be using the vehicle for? For traveling … we travel quite a bit. Where do you guys like to travel? We’ve been to Branson, MO, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska, Arkansas. If you could choose one place [...]
Our good friend, Casey Klein from the East Dubuque Business and Tourism Council, sent us a nice letter the other day thanking us for our coverage of the upcoming party in East Dubuque – a.k.a. the Independence Day Celebration. Casey wrote: “On Behalf of the East Dubuque Business and Tourism Council, thank you for your generous support and patronage of the Old Fashioned Independence Day Celebration. You created an extremely informative and helpful post on the Runde Auto Group blog! Thank you for making the East Dubuque Business & Tourism Council look good! All your efforts are greatly appreciated. As we get closer to the event, if you or your staff have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail. Please join us on Sunday, June 28th. Thank [...]
Dave Hoekstra drove from Chicago to the Dubuque area today to pick up his new truck at Runde Auto Group.  So I hear that you came from Chicago to be here today, how was the ride up here? It was good, left early enough – around 6,  it was quiet. Are you from Chicago? Well yea, just one town west of Chicago. How did you find Runde? After looking around for awhile I found Runde through AutoTrader. What were you looking for? I spotted the Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab so I called and Al Kloft of Runde PreDriven answered the phone. He was very nice and helped me throughout the whole process. That’s great to hear! So where in Chicago are [...]
Saint Patricks day is today.  A day of celebration and green… a whole lot of green. Even Chicago dyes it’s river green with over 40lbs of food dye today!  But have you ever wondered what the holiday is actually all about? It’s not just an excuse to go out to the “pubs” and toast the great Saint until you are passed out on the floor. No, in-fact, St. Patrick’s day has more to it than you probably know. Isn’t it great that the Irish have a great Irish person to celebrate?  Huh, what’s that? St. Patrick isn’t Irish? Are you nuts!? Actually, St. Patrick was born in Britain during the 5th century. Not as Patrick, mind you, but as Maewyn Succat. He was kidnapped by Irish marauders at the [...]
As everyone knows today is Casimir Pulaski Day. Let’s get the party started! Wait… what? You didn’t know it was Pulaski day? You don’t even know who he is, you say? Well let’s make sure everyone is caught up to speed on the significance of this great man and why he is celebrated to this day. Casimir Pulaski was born in Poland on March 4, 1747 (the original spelling of his name was Kazimierz Pulaski) would live his life to end up being a hero. He is known for his contributions to the U.S. military during the American Revolution by training soldiers and cavalry of the American colonists. From his involvement and genius strategies he was given the title “father of the American cavalry.”   The holiday came to fruition to celebrate his efforts which aided America. Illinois enacted a law on June 20, 1977 for the celebration of Pulaski’s birthday. Celebrated heavily, [...]
Runde Chevrolet in East Dubuque recently had the opportunity to make a road trip to the 2009 Chicago Auto Show. We managed to pull up our jaws and glance at our cameras every once in awhile to snap some photos for you. We hope you enjoy viewing a few of the amazing vehicles that were there!   Chevy ran an impressive show with an array of cars including the all- electrical Chevy Volt (left) and the new Equinox (right)    
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