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Tag: charity

Posts related to charity

I’m sure most people have heard of the Salvation Army, but are you aware of everything they do in and for the Dubuque community?  All families go through tough times, whether it be economic, emotional, physical… How these times effect individual family members varies, but when it comes to economic challenges, it can leave some children not being able to experience the holidays to the fullest.  Think of the surroundings you grew up in.  Were there so many toys every holiday that you couldn’t possibly play with them all within a day’s time? Or maybe your family could barely afford to get you one toy… Wouldn’t you want every child to experience the holidays the way they were meant to be celebrated -with a great meal, gifts, and a sense of happiness? That is the goal of the Salvation Army with their Toy Collection Campaign. Salvation Army officers Major Tom and Major Kay Mason spearhead the [...]
The season of giving… what better way to give than to make sure kids stay warm and full this Holiday than a giving tree? To help out those in need we are are collecting food and clothing at the Runde Chevy store that will be donated to three different charity’s. If you would like to make a donation, stop by our Runde Chevrolet Showroom in East Dubuque, IL. We are filling the Giving Tree in our showroom with Children’s hats, mittens, gloves, ear muffs or scarves, everything to stay warm this winter! We’re also collecting donations of non-perishable food items for Holiday food baskets. All donations will be delivered by December 18th with the tree donations going to St. Mark Community Center and the City of [...]
In continuation of our Raising Awareness series, Runde’s would like to bring awareness to the St. Steven’s Food Bank. The organization has helped countless non-profit organizations over the years by delivering food to those in need. If you find it in your heart to donate to the Food Bank, please use the information at the bottom of this post to contact the appropriate party. St. Steven’s Sue Davis, Finance Director at St. Steven’s in Dubuque, IA explains how the bank is helping out some charitable organizations — not only this holiday season, but all year-round: In your words, what does your organization do? Our food bank receives quantities of food from the food bank in Moline and distributes the food to about [...]
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