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Tag: bumblebee

Posts related to bumblebee

Sometimes things in real life aren’t as smooth as they appear in Hollywood movies.  Our favorite yellow Camaro, BumbleBee, found that out the hard way the other day. (see video below) There was a movie that came out earlier this year that demonstrated what could happen if a normal person like you or me tried to put on a superhero’s costume and fight criminals.   Initially it turned out very, very bad for the protagonist as he was stabbed in the stomach and then was hit by a moving car.   It showed that in most instances, people like us aren’t capable of making a successful jump to being a blue-collar superhero in the real world. So please leave fighting criminals to the people who serve and protect us and do it professionally … unless of course you have a death wish or lack a brain. Well what happens if a superhero tries to make a jump [...]
I was up at the Runde PreDriven store the other day and I was informed by one of the salesmen that Sammy Hagar was in the house. I thought, ”What an opportunity … we can get a interview with Sammy for the blog … I wonder what he’s looking to purchase?  A Camaro?  A Vette?” I asked where he was.   Chris pointed to Johnny Kramer, who works up at that store and was sportin’ a new hairdo.  It wasn’t the actual Red Rocker, but it was an uncanny resemblance. I took some quick photos of Johnny … errr, I mean Sammy Hagar (You may recall that Johnny was featured previous in a Runde Auto Chat interview back in 2009) and then I went about my business.  A few minutes later there was a big [...]
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