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Tag: black friday 2012

Posts related to black friday 2012

Ah, Thanksgiving – it’s probably the best time of the year with the possible exception of all the holiday traffic out and about. Distributing great food, great company, and great feelings all around America. Every Hero, however, must have a villain and this one is a frightening foe called Mr. Nasty Holiday Traffic. Parents tremble and teens are instilled with fear when facing this foul beast, but there are some things you can do to help fight Mr. Traffic & his henchmen. The Preliminaries – These are the basic weapons you’ll need to fight holiday traffic Check and adjust your mirrors and tires. Buckle Up – Make sure everyone else does too! Make sure your good on gas and fluids. Have both Emergency & First-aid kits in the car. With our basic weapons checked and ready, we must take down the Henchmen that try to get in our way in our fight to defeat Mr. Traffic. [...]
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