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Tag: balltown

Posts related to balltown

How did you find Runde Auto Group and this particular vehicle? Through Al Kloft.  I told him what I was looking for and he went and found it for me. I bought a Trailblazer and my brother bought a vehicle from Al not too long ago too. Why did you decide to purchase it here?  Because I found what I liked and because I’ve known Al for a long time.  He’s a family friend so I trusted him. And I liked it so I said yeah I’d buy it.   Where is the first place you’ll take your new car? I don’t know … probably work. Really? Yeah I have have work at 9 o’clock tonight.   Where do you work at? At The Barn in Sherrill Iowa — it’s a bar and a restaurant up there. I used to go up to the barn a long time ago — we [...]
Keith Klein came in today to buy a vehicle. Before he left he was kind enough to let us interview him without any sort of bribery, thievery, or trickery. To our amazement, we sat down and got to know him a little better. What brought you to Runde’s today? Bought a car for my daughter – a Chevy Cavalier.  Runde’s has always been a good place to buy a vehicle. Is it for school? Yea, back and forth – school and work. She works 15 miles away, up in the country, so it’s nice for her to have her own transportation. Did she want the car or was it more of a “dad” decision? Well, she was looking at a bunch of [...]
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