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Tag: angry

Posts related to angry

Annoying warranty calls?  Who’s a fan of them?  Anyone?  Why am I hearing nothing but crickets right now?  Consider the situation below … You are expecting an important call today. While waiting in line at the grocery store you just wonder when that call is going to come. Going out to your car with your hands, arms, neck, and mouth holding what seems to be 25 bags of groceries and a gallon of milk you finally hear your phone ring. Seeing that your vehicle is still a ways away, you decide that the call might be too important to miss and start to panic. You quickly start putting all the groceries on the cement while trying to get your hand free to take the call which is inconveniently in your least accessible pocket. Huffing and puffing, you finally get the phone and are excited to hear the important information you have been waiting for all [...]
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