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Tag: Al Kloft

Posts related to Al Kloft

Today we had the pleasure of meeting two great gals – Lynn Scherr and her grandmother, Viola McLaughlin. These ladies came in to get a new Chevy Aveo for Lynn to get around in and picked out the perfect vehicle for her! What brought you ladies out to Runde’s today? Lynn: I came out and looked around the night before and found a vehicle I liked so I came out today and drove it around and decided to go with it. How did you like your salesperson, Al Kloft? Oh, he is awesome, I love him. He’s the best. On a scale of 1-10 what would you rank your experience at Runde’s? I’d give it a 10. Are you from the area? Yeah, we’re from Dubuque. Any family in the area? We have a huge family all living close to Dubuque. Lynn: I have two brothers and our [...]
Sam Hesseling and his wife Deb recently bought a late model used vehicle from Runde PreDriven.  They have been loyal customers of Runde Auto Group for 4 decades. Sam has seen Runde’s grow from a small Dubuque area Chevy dealership into the impressive dealership it is today with 4 locations. The Hesselings are thankful to the Runde Family for providing quality vehicles and as long-time loyal customers, they are a part of what made Runde’s the large dealer group it eventually grew into. We got a chance to talk with Sam and had a wonderful conversation with him about his experiences with Runde’s and his salesman, Al Kloft. Hello Sam, So Al Kloft has been telling us that Sam is not your real name? I go by Sam, my real name is Robert, [...]
Amanda Elston from Ossian Iowa loves to help animals. As a mobile veterinarian she needs a reliable truck to hold all of her medicine and equipment. Despite a two hour trip to get to here, Amanda knew that she would find what she was looking for at Runde Auto Group. And we asked her to reflect on her pleasant experience. Where are you from? I’m from Ossian Iowa It’s just South of Decorah, IA. It’s about a three hour drive. My boss and I made the trip. What led you to Runde’s? I’m a veterinarian and I needed a truck for work. I needed a 3/4 ton regular cab, long box truck which was actually really hard to find, but you guys had four or five of them here. Runde’s had the a great selection and options we were looking for so we decided to make the long trip to go here to get [...]
Justin and Stacey Helms of Dodgeville Wisconsin. are not enjoying winter as much as they usually do. Typically around this time of year they’d be out enjoying a nice session of snowmobiling.  Instead they, along with the rest of us in the Midwest, are in the middle of the strangest winter to hit these parts.  With no snow on the ground for all of December and part of January, they had an easy trip from Dodgeville, WI to pick up their new Malibu from Runde’s and were even willing to share their experience! What led you into Runde’s today? We needed a new vehicle so we came here to get one. Did you initially go online or did you call in? I think we first went to AutoTrader.com, but our family and a ton of other people we knew recommended Runde’s so we gave it a try. Stacey: We came down today and [...]
Roy Brock is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet and now he’s the new owner of a Chevy Silverado crew cab from Runde’s. He came in to Runde Auto Group after doing some research for a new truck with his daughter. He ended up with a great truck and a great experience which resulted in him being in a great mood and a willingness to share that experience to the world. What brought you into Runde’s Today? My daughter was looking for a vehicle for me on the internet and she ran across the 1500 Chevy Silverado crew cab that was perfect for me. She called up here and talked to Al a few times and told me [...]
Leo and Rosie Heid are Dyersville customers who recently bought their Chevy Malibu from Runde Auto Group.  These high school sweethearts have conquered the test of time with their love for for each other for more than 45 years.  Read on to learn more about the Heid’s, how they stumbled upon us, and how their experience with Runde’s went. What brought you into Runde Auto Group? We were looking for a different vehicle and we saw the Runde’s ad in the paper. We sold our Impala to one of our kids and needed to get something to replace it so we picked this up. I prefer something like an Equinox or an SUV that’s a bit easier to get in, but she likes this Malibu. She’ll be driving it mostly, anyway. So it’s your car, then? *Laughs* … I guess. Any specific need for the car or just a daily driver? Oh, just [...]
Kara, Sabrina and their mother Sherry Walen, of Dubuque, came in the other day to buy a new vehicle to help Kara get around during the winter. Kara Walen is going to Northeast Iowa Community College and her sister, Sabrina plans on joining her soon as she is a junior in high school. These gals were a pleasure to talk to and were excited to share their experience. What brought you girls into Runde’s Today? Kara: I bought a Cobalt 2 years ago but recently got a full-time job which requires me to drive out during the winter. I needed something with all-wheel-drive to help me get around in the snow, so we came in to get a vehicle with all-wheel-drive. I think around here you pretty much need all-wheel-drive What did you end up getting? A Chevy Equinox.   Congratulations on your new job, what will you be doing? I’m a [...]
Barb Brush and her long-term best friend, Roxanne Marston (both from Wisconsin), just happened to be going to the right quilting show at the right time. While these two inseparable friends were on their way to see expert weavers, quilters and sewers, Barb got an unexpected call from her husband who insisted that she stop over to Runde’s and take a look at a Lexus that might suit her, and boy did it ever. While here, she kept saying how it felt like family, so we did what families do – sat down, got to know her and chatted for a while… What brought you into Runde PreDriven today? Barb:  A phone call. We were on our way to a quilt show and I got a phone call from my husband who knew I was looking for a car. He was looking online and found a car I might be interested so he called and said [...]
Matt and Jenna Rokes came in after doing some shopping for a truck and you’ll be seeing them in their new truck in the Quad Cities soon. For those who have never visited the Quad Cities, it’s a little bit south of Clinton, IA.  They were nice enough to sit down with me for a few minutes to share their experience and a bit about themselves. What brought you into Runde’s? We found the vehicle that we wanted with low miles, a Chevy Avalanche. What’s it going to be used for? Anything that we can use it for. We just bought a house and it doesn’t have any landscaping so we’re planning on doing a lot of that this [...]
Chevy Customers from Sandwich, IL Purchase their new Silverado HD from Runde Chevrolet   Chevy customers from Sandwich, IL Troy and April Hutson drove a long way this past week to come and buy their new truck from Runde Chevrolet.  In the time between signing paperwork and starting out for home, they gave us a little extra time to ask some questions about their lives and about their recent experience at Runde’s. What kind of vehicle did you buy?  We bought a new 2011 Silverado 2500 HD.   You’re Chevy customers from Sandwich, IL right?   How far is that from Runde Auto Group? It’s about 180 miles and it took us almost three hours to get here. Have you always lived in that area? Troy:  I have.  I was born in Sandwich, IL and pretty much lived there my whole life. April: I wasn’t born in Sandwich, but I’ve lived in that [...]
You’ll soon see Nan Connolly driving around her Chevy Impala in East Dubuque.  She is originally from Dubuque, but she recently built and moved into a house just outside of East Dubuque, IL. She came into Runde Chevy looking for a new Chevy to replace her vehicle. While she was here, she sat down and shared her experience with us. What brought you into Runde’s today? Probably advertising and I knew I wanted a Chevy when I was shopping. I was looking around and Runde’s seemed to have the best car prices. What vehicle did you end up going with? The Chevy Impala, I like it. My other car kind of gave up so I said “it’s time.” I [...]
In the short amount of time I spent with David and Jan Rafoth customers from Dubuque, I could tell that they have led interesting lives. And what constitutes an “interesting life” you may ask? For starters, how about stepping on a bomb and living to tell the story? Not enough for you? … Well add-on finding out where you are going to live based on a nice random car ride. Read on, hopefully you are as entertained by their stories as I was listening to them. How did you hear about Runde’s? Well we were looking to trade our car and we had previous experience with Runde’s and Al Kloft and we were treated right the last time we were here.  [...]
Duane and Ruth Tietjen are hardworking people and now they are Runde Auto Group customers from Bellevue Iowa. Ruth teaches and Duane operates his farm. It’s pretty rare that they get 15 minutes to do much of anything for themselves which is why I was glad to have the honor to sit down with the both of them for this interview to learn more about these great folks. What led you into Runde’s today? I saw the car I was interested in on the internet and got a hold of Al and asked him about it. So he gave us some information, we test drove it and now we are picking it up. Our son also bought a truck from Al about a year ago and loved Al. Do you know Al personally … he sells to a lot of customers from Bellevue Iowa. We let some people hunt on our farm [...]
After hearing laughter from Al Kloft’s desk, I venture over to see what all the commotion is about. I arrive to see one of Al Kloft’s customers having a great time. Noreen was more than willing to share her experiences with Al and Runde’s with me after having such a blast! What led you to Runde’s today? Actually my sister just bought a car here last week. She loved her experience and recommended for me to get my vehicle here. So I came in and talked to Al and I ended up with a good used vehicle.
We had the pleasure of talking with Jenni McCann today.  She was in to pick up the car that she just purchased from Runde Chevrolet.  We are very appreciative of Jenni’s repeat business and she had some kind words, in turn, to say about Runde’s.  The following is the long and short of our conversation: How did you find Runde Auto Group?  Have you purchased here before? Yeah, I bought two Cavaliers here before, actually. I bought my 2nd Cavalier here 6 years ago. What did you buy this time? An Impala SS.  I moved up and I love it. Where is the first place you’ll take your new Impala? Probably to show it to my mom over in Dubuque. Who was your salesperson and how would you rate them? Al Kloft.  Al was excellent – he really was.  Him and Anderson and what is “California’s” real name? Steve. Yep Steve. They were all very good.  I’ve never [...]
Today we had the pleasure of getting to know a family who recently bought a Chrysler Town & Country van from us. Sharon, Darlene, Alex, Emily and Gavin took a few moments to share their experience with us.  We give you … the Riesselman Family. How did you find Runde Auto Group and this Chrysler Town & Country? We found you guys on the internet. Your website was very easy to navigate and we easily found what we wanted. I really like how you can narrow by the year, model and mileage, it makes it really easy to find what you are looking for. Where is the first place you’ll take your new Chrysler Town & Country van? Darlene: Home to see [...]
How did you find Runde Auto Group and this particular vehicle? Through Al Kloft.  I told him what I was looking for and he went and found it for me. I bought a Trailblazer and my brother bought a vehicle from Al not too long ago too. Why did you decide to purchase it here?  Because I found what I liked and because I’ve known Al for a long time.  He’s a family friend so I trusted him. And I liked it so I said yeah I’d buy it.   Where is the first place you’ll take your new car? I don’t know … probably work. Really? Yeah I have have work at 9 o’clock tonight.   Where do you work at? At The Barn in Sherrill Iowa — it’s a bar and a restaurant up there. I used to go up to the barn a long time ago — we [...]
TESTIMONIALS FROM RUNDE’S CUSTOMERS We are very very pleased with our Chevy Traverse that we recently purchased from Runde Auto Group. It is by far one of the most comfortable vehicles I have ever driven. We have been on 3 road trips and love how it handles the road!! Sure hope this Traverse lasts us a long time! We love it!!!! Thank you for making it possible when we came to see you!! I also want you to know how impressed we are with Runde’s! Awesome people and awesome service! Keep it up! Take care! Paul and Ellen S. of Dubuque, IA We still have the Jeep Commander and all is well with it. Best vehicle and experience we’ve [...]
Mandi Pedretti from Dubuque, IA stopped in the other day to pick up a new vehicle she has been eyeballing for awhile. While she was here and waiting for her paperwork, I asked her if she could share with me her experience. This is what she had to say: How did you find Runde Auto Group? I’ve been over here before and my boyfriend’s parents live in East Dubuque so we drive by here all the time. Did you know your salesman, Al Kloft? No, not before today. How did you end up with Al? I went through the lot a couple of times looking at some vehicles and went home to do some more research online. He called me back after I requested [...]
Don Hart is a guy who always seems to be on the go. From being a landlord, plowing and maintaining several rental properties to helping out those in need by doing missionary work, Don’s always on the move.  He calls himself “retired” but it looks like he has a full load to me! To learn more about this interesting person, we had a nice chat before he hit the mean  streets in his new HHR. How did you find Runde’s? I found you guys through the internet. What site did you use? Did you find the vehicle you needed right away? Autotrader.com, I found the exact car I was looking for so I called you guys up. I talked to Al, I was pretty impressed by Al. What car did you find? I was looking for a Chevy HHR. Found it online, came here and test drove it, it was great so I took it. What do [...]
Recently I had the chance to get to meet Marv and Kathy Jones, two fine folks from Freeport Illinois. They enjoyed their car buying experience at Runde Chevrolet so much that they wanted to share it with me and the rest of the world. Here’s what they had to say: What led you here to Runde Auto Group? I’m always lookin’ for something. Yesterday I drove through the PreDriven lot and saw a car the caught my eye. So I got out and looked at it then told my wife about it, before you know it we were talking to Al. What did you think of your experience here? It was absolutely great. On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate your salesman, [...]
We sat down for a few minutes and did a customer interview with Dan Schaefer from Dubuque, IA.   Dan serves in the Air Force and is now the proud owner of a Chevy Malibu and he bought the car from Runde PreDriven while he was on paid leave from his base in Texas! Enjoy the video!  
Michelle Tranel and Dustin Dura are very nice people from East Dubuque, IL  who came into Runde’s today to shop for a used Chevy truck. Their salesperson, Al Kloft, told me that they were some of the nicest people that he had ever met. So I decided to head up to our PreDriven store to see if they’d oblige me with some of their time and an interview.  They did. We chatted.  Then they drove off into the non-sunset of lukewarm, overcast day in their sweet newly purchased Colorado truck.  Al was right — they are really nice. So what brings you into Runde’s today? We just bought a truck. What vehicle did you end up getting? A Chevy Colorado. How did you hear about Runde’s? We grew up in East Dubuque so we’ve always known about it. You two are a couple, I assume? Yep. Any kids? Dustin: I have [...]
Thomas, Shelia and their daughters: Hannah, Hailey and Heather Hinman … basically the Hinman family in its entirety from Hazel Green, WI came in the other day to upgrade to a more spacious vehicle. While the girls played, the parents took care of business signing all the paperwork at the Runde PreDriven store.  Soon they were ready to roll out with their new set of wheels,  but I couldn’t let them go without letting the world hear their story! Hey guys! I’d like to thank the Hinman Family for doing this interview with me. What brought you into Runde’s today? We needed a car that would fit our family and wanted to stay local for the purchase. What led you to Runde’s instead of a different dealership? Shelia: I’ve lived around this area my whole life and know Runde’s to be a good [...]
It was a cold and rainy day at Runde’s on the day I met Peg Cornils who works at the University of Wisconsin Platteville.  While other folks were  inside — safe from the harsh elements of nature, Peg was out and about — or on the go as one might say.  Peg’s not afraid of the elements of nature — she digs Elements.  Actually, I was able to stop Peg just before she drove away in the Honda Element she purchased this week at our Runde PreDriven store in Hazel Green, WI.  We chatted for a spell and I learned how her experience here at Runde’s was. All in all we shared some jokes and had a really nice conversation.  She’s a definitely a lady on the go and she needed a vehicle [...]
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