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Food Pack Program Makes Its Way to Dubuque

What is the Dubuque food pack program and how can a local business get involved to help young local students in our community?

Sometimes we get so caught up in what is happening with our country in terms of international interaction, we forget all of the obstacles our own people face. There are many less fortunate people in our country, and they tend to get overlooked a lot of the time. For once, they are the focus of a local project here in the Dubuque area.

John Deere Dubuque Works funded a food pack program for 250 students in the Dubuque elementary schools. Each school anonymously placed the food packs in their 50 neediest children’s backpacks before they went home on Friday afternoon, so the children have a better chance of eating nutritional food over the weekend.

When Runde Auto Group heard about this exciting new program, they checked into participating. There were 50 kids left on the waiting list, and they chose to sponsor all 50 of them.

It is such an inspiring program to be a part of, and is a great way to directly give back to the community. Below is the letter written to Runde Auto Group from Kris Hall, Executive Director of Equity Operations and School Services in Dubuque. 


Dear Tim Runde,

On behalf of the Dubuque Community School District, I wish to take this opportunity to formally thank you for your contribution to our Foodpack Program.  The Foodpack Program is administered by the St. Stephen’s Food Bank and funded through a multi-year grant given by the John Deere Foundation.

Currently, the Foodpack Program serves 250 children in our DCSD in five elementary schools (Audubon, Fulton, Lincoln, Marshall, and Prescott).  The children receive a foodpack the last day of every week of the school year.  The foodpack is meant to supplement the food they receive from their family over the weekend.  Thank you for recognizing our need to expand the program!  Your donation will allow us to add 50 more children currently on a waiting list to the program this year.

Please E-mail or telephone if you have any comments, concerns, and/or questions.  Thank you for your time and consideration.


Kris Hall 


Many thanks to Kris for allowing Runde Auto Group to participate in the program.    

Anyone interested in participating in the program or wanting additional information can contact Kris Hall at (563) 552-3019.

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