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And now a word from our sponsors … Cue Commercial

So often we see television programs overloaded with commercial after commercial.  And for about the past 8 or 9 years these same commercials have made their way into the movie theaters just to annoy us when we show up early for a flick.  Furthermore, we have have to ask if there is anyone out there who would just like to view a news clip on CNN or Youtube for once without having to watch the preceding commercial.  

From the day we posted our first blog entry, it has always been our policy at here Runde Auto Chat to provide you with uninterrupted, good old-fashioned, wholesome, family-oriented blogging.  We haven’t cluttered our blog site with unnecessary and unwarranted advertisements until now … Please take a minute to watch Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly as they persuade you to purchase products like Big Red chewing gum.



But seriously folks … If you want to buy Big Red, go to Walgreens and get yourself a pack. If you want to smoke a cigarette, go to Walgreens and buy yourself a pack of smokes (provided you are of the legal age and also provided you are fully aware of the health risks that accompany the act of smoking a lit cigarette — we had to throw that disclaimer in to remain politically correct).

After watching the satirical commercial above, if you are still concerned with wild packs of dogs in the area, then please write your local city council person. There have been coyote sightings within the city of Dubuque lately and it might be good idea to get that problem under control before someone gets hurt.

But if you want to buy a sweet used car near Dubuque or perhaps a new Chevy Equinox, then give our sales department a call at Runde Chevrolet at 866-735-5200.

I do want to point out that the red Camaro in the video below is not one of our inventory units.


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