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Lacey Diehl Purchases Perfect Preowned Chevy Equinox and Runde’s!

Lacey Diehl is originally from Lansing, IA and now lives in Dubuque, IA with her husband, Josh. These newlyweds, just tied the knot last month! Ready for a new vehicle for their endeavors and a potential future family, the Diehl’s came into Runde’s and left with a gorgeous preowned Chevy Equinox!

What vehicle did you end up purchasing?
A preowned Chevy Equinox.

Was this vehicle for you or was it for your husband?
More-so for me, and we’re getting ready to start having kids in the future so we thought this would be a nice starter vehicle.

How was your overall experience at Runde’s and with your salesman, Jake Meyer?
I thought it was absolutely amazing. He didn’t pressure us or give us a line of “bull”. We went to another local dealership and the salesmen over there were really pushy and trying to convince us to get things we didn’t want. Jake let us take as much time as we needed until we finally landed on this preowned Chevy Equinox. He related to us by letting us know how him and his wife went through car purchases and how they wanted time and space to make a good decision. All he wanted from us was to make a good decision and to be happy. He didn’t want us to just “settle” on a vehicle. That was probably the best part of it and why I wanted to find something at Runde’s because he was so accommodating.

What led you into Runde’s in the first place?
My husband and I were looking around and researching vehicles. The first dealer wasn’t very good so we tried Runde’s and scored. We really appreciated Runde’s upfront and honest pricing.

What do you guys like to do around the Tri-State area?
We go out to eat, usually every Friday. During the summer we are usually tubing or canoeing or something outdoors. We really enjoy the water and that’s why we got an SUV, because we figured we can tow a small boat or something with it eventually.

So you guys are more outdoorsy people, huh?
Kind of, but not in the winter. I work third shift and when it started snowing a couple days ago I was like “are you kidding me!?” I don’t like being cooped up in my house all the time, I want to be out by the pool or near water.

Do you like the holidays, at least?
Oh yeah, my grandma always makes Lefsa for thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s kind of like a potato-ish wrap. A lot of people put sugar and butter in it but we put wrap it around turkey. It’s really good.

At least you’ll have that great all-wheel-drive preowned Chevy Equinox for driving in the snow!
Oh I know! We had a Blazer that had it as well but it was really flaky, it would work and it wouldn’t work. Now I’ll feel a lot better about the drive getting into and out of work. I’ll feel safe and confident now!

What’s your favorite restaurant?
Vinni Vannuchi’s and Buffalo Wild Wings.

Are you guys sports fans?
We like the Iowa Hawkeyes and the Chicago Bears.

So your overall experience at Runde’s was good?
Yes, everyone was really friendly when I first came in, it was a good experience. Anywhere I go I tell people how nice of a experience I got. I didn’t realize how mentally challenging buying a vehicle would be, I never had such a nice fancy vehicle before!

I loved Jake’s approach because he said I don’t want you to buy a vehicle and look to trade it in a couple of months or be miserable with the purchase.

What do you do for a living?
I work out on the shipping dock at Nordstrom’s.

What does your husband do?
He works for Tschiggfrie.

Do you have any pets?
A little Yorkie, my husband got her for me. She needs attention and so do I, so we are a good fit.

Do you remember your first date?
We just met at a party.

Favorite show?
Big Bang Theory is one we like to watch together.

Would you recommend Runde’s to friends and family?
Oh yes, I tell everyone I know about how great of an experience I had at Runde’s.

That’s all the questions I had for you, if you’d like to add anything you’re more than welcome to!
I think that pretty much covers it; I just wanted to say that I really appreciate everything you guys have done for us. It was a great experience and will definitely the place we go to buy our future vehicles.

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