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Velma Martens – She’s Impressed with her Chevy Malibu Sedan

Velma standing beside her new Chevy Malibu sedanVelma Martens, who has lived in Dubuque all of her life (except for three years), came into Runde’s to pick up her new Chevy Malibu sedan. While here, she was more than happy to share some good real-life stories with me. Finding out how much Velma cares for society through volunteering makes you really wonder if you could be doing something more…

What brought you to Runde Auto Group?
My son-in-law is in business and buys a lot of trucks through Runde Auto Group. He also knew Al Kloft very well and prefers to deal with him as well as Chris Anderson, the manager here. So when I needed a new vehicle I knew where to go.

What did you think? Was all the hype your son-in-law talked about, in fact, true?
Oh yes, I really liked Al.  He’s a very nice character, very hard working. So far I have been well taken care of and I’m impressed with Runde’s.

On a scale of 1-10 what would you give Al?
I’d have to give him a 10, he was busy but was always letting me know what was going on.

Velma and her salesman in front of her white Chevy Malibu sedanWhat vehicle did you end up going with?
A Chevy Malibu sedan. I do a lot of volunteer work and have to drive every day so I needed a dependable car that I could count on. 

Al was asking what kind of color I wanted and I responded: “I don’t care”.  He was surprised by my answer, but at my age I think I’ve already had every kind of car color that I really don’t care which one I get now.

You told me that you are into volunteer work, what kind of volunteering do you do?

American Red Cross logoI’ve worked for the Red Cross blood center for about 33 years. When I first started I was doing more paper-work related things, but ever since AIDS became known I became kind of a  “Walmart greeter” where I sit at the front desk and take care of people that come in. It’s a very rewarding job because people that come in actually want to donate or else they wouldn’t be there.

I had a bad run-in with a Wal-Mart greeter once, but I learned not to throw away my receipt until I’m out of the store  – yeesh!  You’re not mean are you?
Oh haha, it’s easy to be nice to people that want to give.

Then for about 12 years I worked at the St. Anthony’s Rectory in the office. I quilt (for fundraising) twice a week and volunteer over at Finley Hospital for surgical waiting.

Wow, you are quite active with volunteerism it seems, that’s great! What other types of things do you like to do?
I love to eat out. When you’re a widow, you do things that always involve eating.

Where’s your favorite place to eat?
Any place. Tony Roma’s, The Star Brewery, Timmerman’s, Applebee’s, anyplace, even McDonalds.  When you’ve cooked for as long as I’ve cooked, it’s such a treat to eat out.


What’s one invention you couldn’t live without?
For entertainment: television, for luxury: a furnace, refrigerator, and plumbing. A car is a necessity, it’s no longer a luxury.


If you were to win the lottery what would you do with the money?
Well naturally I’d first set up funds for my children and grandchildren. For myself, really, I’d build my dream house. The next thing would be to give it to charity. If I was 21 and won the lottery it might be a different story.

Well thank you for coming in Velma, I appreciate it. I hope that you enjoy your new Chevy Malibu sedan!

1 Comment

  • sewa mobil| November 14, 2010 at 8:32 am

    Nice article, thanks for the information.

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