Amanda Hohmann – College Perspective
- March 5, 2009
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- Posted by Runde Auto Group
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Amanda Hohmann
It’s not often we get to interview someone below the age of 25, so when we got to interview Amanda Hohmann, 22, we definitely listened attentively to what she had to say.
Hey Amanda, so I hear you bought a vehicle from us before?
Yea, I bought a Pontiac G6 at the end of October after looking around for awhile.
How do you like it so far?
Oh, I love it! I’ve never had any problems with it.
That’s good to hear! So what was the experience like at Runde’s when you were picking out the vehicle?
Oh it was good, my dad liked the fact that there really is no salesman pitches and Al Kloft (Runde PreDriven salesman) was very straight forward, with us which we appreciated.
What led Amanda Hohmann to Runde’s?
Actually my parents and Al are good friends since high school.
Where are you from?
Born and raised there?
Yep, all my life.
Any siblings?
Yea, I have three sisters and one brother-in-law… there’s six of us total and there’s another on its way, it’ll be coming the same time I graduate – May.
Big family, eh! So what are you doing now?
I’m going to the University of Dubuque – I’m studying Psychology and Criminal Justice.
Interesting, any jobs lined up after graduation?
I plan on going to graduate school after I’m done. I want to be a school counselor.
I wish you well. What education level would you council – college?
Anything but college, actually. Probably high school or below.
What do you do for fun?
I like to go out with friends and hang out, usually.
Any hobbies?
Favorite food?
Hmm… pasta alfredo
If you could have any one thing, what would you have?
Umm…Probably a good paying job – which is funny, I know, since I want to be a school counselor.
How ’bout if you could go any one place, where would you go?
Australia. I’ve been to several places but I always wanted to go to Australia.
You say you’ve traveled quite a bit… where is your favorite place so far and why?
Dublin, Ireland. It was so different… everyone there was very friendly.
Any last comments?
The one thing that set Runde apart from other places was the warranty, that’s what sold us. They also gave the best deal for the year of the car I wanted.
Thank you very much Amanda!