Meet Becky Kuhl of Runde Chevrolet in East Dubuque
- February 7, 2009
- Runde's Staff
- Posted by Runde Auto Group
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Becky Kuhl who works in the upstairs office of Runde Chevrolet in East Dubuque was kind enough to give us a little of her time and a little insight into what makes her tick. It’s been said here at Runde’s that Becky is “so very Mary Tyler Moore”. You can be the judge as you checkout what she had to say:
What do you do here at Runde’s?
I am the Incentive Administrator for Runde Chevrolet. Basically, I report to GM the new Chevrolet units that are sold and then I apply for the correct incentives for each model. For some customer rebates, certain documents are required. I’m the one who ensures that customers present us with the proper documentation at the time of the sale. I also do the basic office tasks, such as entering vehicle invoices, cutting checks, ordering office supplies, and decorating for the holidays.
How long have you worked here?
Almost 7 years now … I started part-time doing some filing while I attended college and it turned into full-time job sometime thereafter.
How old are you?
I’ll be 27 on the twenty-fifth of March. Looks like I’m kind of gettin’ up there in years, eh?
Are you originally from the area?
I do consider myself from the area, Bellevue is not too far away. I was born and raised on a small farm just south of Bellevue.
What is your best experience at Runde’s to date?
My best experience is being able to watch the business grow. It doesn’t seem to stand still … not even for a minute.
What are your past times / hobbies?
I try to get outdoors when the weather is warm and do some boating on the great Mississippi. There are lots of things to enjoy on the river, such as camping, fishing, and tossing a Frisbee. I am yet to master the Frisbee. Winter is not so active for me, but I do manage to frequent a local pub and play pool and Euchre.
Kids? My mom wishes
Pets? 1 and ½ dogs. Scout is 6 and Zoey is 3, slow learner.
Do you have a favorite hang-out spot in the Tri-State area?
I enjoy hiking through the Mines of Spain. Honestly, I never would have known it existed if it weren’t for my dogs. It is the only dog-friendly park in the area. Otherwise, I like to “hang-out” wherever I can be entertained.


If you were a vehicle, what vehicle would you want to be, and why?
I like being human, but if I had to decide upon a form of transportation to be, I would choose a jet-plane because I could see the world in a short matter of time.
What’s one thing that people would be surprised to know about Becky Kuhl?
I’m not good at surprises.
What’s your favorite restaurant in the Tri-States?
Midtown for breakfast, the Pepper Sprout for a date-night, Timmerman’s Supper Club for a social dinner, Fried-Green Tomatoes for a splurge date-night, or Manny’s Pizza for a cruise by boat dinner.

So very Mary Tyler Moore
Odds and ends:
Brewers or Cubs? Cubs
Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Both at the same time
Dogs or cats? Dogs for now, cats when I get old
Reba McEntire or Janis Joplin? Janis Joplin
What’s your most memorable experience in a car or truck?
First time behind the wheel, of course. 14 years old without a care in the world.
Favorite movie? It’s a toss up between Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and Pulp Fiction
What’s in the cd player of your car right now? A CD, silly.
Do you consider the glass half full or half empty?
It’s almost gone, better fill it up ‘cause I’m thirsty
Where’s the first place you will travel to when you win the lottery?
Germany. I dig guys who aren’t afraid to wear liederhosen.
We’d like to thank Becky Kuhl for doing the interview and for having a great sense of humor. She helps to make Runde Chevrolet a fun place to work … there’s definitely never a boring day or a dull moment when Becky’s at work.